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ABC for Committees | Practice & Procedures | Officers | Elections
A voluntary Management Committee can be of various sizes. It needs to have enough members to be representative and perform the necessary tasks but not so large that it becomes unwieldy. The number of members of the Management Committee partly depends on the size of the organisation but generally to work effectively it should be no more than about 12-15.
This eBook serves as a fundamental guidance on establishing and operational work of a voluntary sector committee not withstanding its legal status.
Memorandum & Articles of Association - Limited Company (Under Guarantee) - Model
The model Memorandum & Articles of Association for a Limited Company (under Guarantee) serves for a voluntary organisation registering both under the Charities Act and Companies Acts. The author prior to the current legislation originally wrote this model but modified.
It should be born in mind that the Charities Act 2011 was a consolidation Act, which brought together various Acts, including Charities act 1993 and Charities Act 2006. This did not alter the law, per say, but brought existing legislation together in one law.
We strongly commend that local support and development organisations are incorporated as a company, as well as having charitable status. Unlike unincorporated organisations, a company has a separate legal existence from its members. This means that the company can employ staff, own property, enter into contracts, and sue or be sued in the courts, rather than individual management committee members being personally responsible for these functions.
It is recommended that any voluntary organisation considering this process should view this template in terms of the specialist clauses, (particularly in the Articles of `association), that are also contained within, (used by the author for both a international youth hostel exchange project and adapted successfully for a eco-regeneration group), and take guidance from with a umbrella body geared to provide such specialist support or alternatively a company such as Jordans Limited who have decades of experience is helping voluntary organisations in this regard.
Mission Statement - Example
‘Vision’ is linked to, but not the same as, ‘Mission’. There are various, differing views about the usefulness of either of these, and quite what they mean. A broad interpretation could be that a vision for a voluntary organisation is about what they want to see change in their diverse community properly determined on evidence based need.
‘Mission’ is how the organisation will contribute and deliver towards that but also a statement of its current key roles in broad terms.
Some organisations get terribly bogged down in trying to agree a common set of values. This could be seen as writing down the culture of the organisation in concrete terms, when in fact it is something that is 'lived and experienced', and is bound to change with people and changing needs + priorities over time.
Equal Opportunities Policy In Employment & Service Delivery
An equal opportunities policy simply sets out how your organisation is going to make sure that your organisation is open and accessible and strives to treat people fairly.
It is important because:
• A number of individuals, organisations and communities in this country face discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
• Organisations can ignore or discriminate against particular minority or disadvantaged groups, quite unintentionally.
• Writing an equal opportunities policy will help you think about the practical things that you can do to make sure that your group treats people equally and with respect.
• It will show that you are aware of discrimination, harassment and victimisation and are willing to take measures to stop it happening within your organisation and the services that you offer.
• Most funders require you to have an equal opportunities policy.
Your organisation needs to comply with the Equalities Act.
Your equal opportunities policy does not have to be long and fancy: a simply worded, one side of A4 paper would be fine. The most important thing is that you have thought about what you put in it, that it's useful for your organisation and that you will and can do what you have said. There is no point in having a policy that is written hastily, then put in a filing cabinet and forgotten about.
This eBook serves to provide a model example to add, alter, or amend to suit your organisation and adopt after having shared and discussed with staff/volunteers so that there are aware and agree to work with the ethos of the policy.