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Resources | Contacts } Disabilities + Age + Elderly
Sources of Disabilities Support Connections
AbilityNet : ClearKit : Looking for work if you are disabled - Gov.UK : The Helpliness Association : BrowseAloud : RNIB: Dyslexia Action : World Wide Web Consortium Web Accessibility Initiative :Disability Rights - Gov.UK : Spinal Injuries Scotland : Action Deafness :British Sign Language : American Sign Language Browser : British Deaf Association : The Council for the Advancement of Communication with Deaf People - Signature : DeafSign : Equality & Human Rights Commission : Free2Pee : Scope : Thrive : DDA -Disability Discrimination Act 2005 : iGOCo Message Board - Disabilities :Disability Law Service : Disability Now : Enhance UK : European Disability Forum : Gardening for Disabled Trust : Grooms-Shaftesbury : HEAT Project : International Day of Persons with Disabilities : Leonard Cheshire Disability : Motability : National Federation of Shopmobility : POWER International : Resource Information Centre : Sit Stop : The ACT Foundation : The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust : The Blue Badge Parking Scheme : The Office for Disability Issues : Turning Point : Epilepsy Society }
Age & Elderly Support Connections
Age UK Personal Alarms : Audiology & Hearing Service in the Community : Dial-A-Ride : Disability & Carers Service : Easylink UK : Enterprise - Housing : Foot Health Service - NHS : Freedom Pass - Scheme : Gas Safe Register : HMRC – Pensions Management : LifeScan UK : Local Government Ombudsman Commission for Local Administration for England & Wales : National Benevolent Fund for the Aged : Newham Diabetic Retinal Screening Service : Newham Network Telecare Services : Red Alert Telecare : Telecare Services Association : The MediAlert Foundation : The Pension Service - DWP: The Royal National Throat Nose & Ear Hospital : Tunstall Response: Warm Home Discount Scheme : Winter Fuel Payment Team - DWP: Access Audit Co : Carr-Gomm Society : Centre for Independent, Integrated, Inclusive Living Consortium : Charity Employees Benevolent Fund : City Lit : Family Action : Info4local- Department for Communities & Local Government : Transport for All : 60+ London Oyster PhotoCard }
It is sometimes forgotten that the concept of ‘disability’ as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act can cover a wide variety of medical conditions, one of the most common of which is back pain. When an employee comes within the definition of disabled, the employer must then make reasonable adjustments to facilitate the employee in his or her role. Employers should always be alert to this potential issue, not only in recruitment but in the course of employment, particularly when an employee has sickness absence or performance issues which need to be addressed, and for which disability could be an underlying cause.
The Equality and Human Rights Commission has recently issued an updated guide on the definition of disability which provides useful and practical information on this vexed issue and which can be seen via their website.
45,000 public bodies across Great Britain are covered by the Disability Equality Duty (DED), which came into force in December 2006. The DED is meant to ensure that all public bodies - such as central or local government, schools, health trusts or emergency services – pay ’due regard‘ to the promotion of equality for disabled people in every area of their work produced a range of information on the duty, some of which is available to download. The DRC closed at the end of September Disability Equality Duty (DED) The 2007, and was replaced in October 2007 by the Equality and Human Rights Commission. You can find more information on the duty and the work of the Commission.
For introductory information, including the Code of Practice, and guidance on key elements of the duty, such as involving disabled people and impact assessments.The sectoral guidance page contains information written for public bodies across the different sectors. Please see also the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).
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