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Confidentiality Policy | Example
Why We Have A Policy?
It will seem obvious that we should not breach confidences so why have a policy when the principles are obvious?
The answer is that we have developed the guidelines that form our policy to:-
A. Protect staff and volunteers
B. Protect members and Service Users
C. Ensure consistent good practice
Confidentiality is important in order to build trust with persons using the [Insert name of Organisation], however it is not about keeping secrets, in your discussion with all stakeholders this should be made clear.
CashBook - Excel Design Monthly Reconciliation Records
This eBook is designed to provide an important reminder for all organisations (although focused on new small, and emerging groups), to maintain good financial bookkeep as part of its overall organisational operation.
This eBook edition purely provides screen shots of each of the five main spreadsheet headings that need to be kept and maintained on a monthly basis recorded all income and expenditure.
This instruction guide is to accompany the Excel template. It serves as a timely reminder to keep a record of all transactions made on a month-by-month basis within a financial year.
Whilst copyright is reserved to the publisher's, a hyperlink is contained within to enable those who buy this eBook the ability to download the actual Excel Spreadsheet (with formulas) to carry out a Transactional Cash Book and Bank Reconciliations and may be used by the purchasing organisation only by permission.
Code of Ethical OnLine Philanthropic Practices
The Internet can provide generous donors with a wide range of opportunities to help others quickly and easily.
To help ensure that your gift does not go to the wrong organisation and to help ensure that your gift goes directly to the organisation you want to support, here are 10 tips for online giving that will help ensure your online giving is safe and secure.
Handbook + Information + Contacts - Resource Data for Night Shelter Volunteers & Workers
This Handbook + Information + Contacts - Resource Data for Night Shelter Volunteers & Workers eBook simply serves to provide an outline guidance for ay group setting up a Night Shelter in their locality and some of the information, contacts, and resources that may help in the process of adopting their practice and procedures in their operation.
It is a general guide and will need to be modified to suit the particular Night Shelter, its venue(s), and those involved be they volunteers and/or employed workers and whether operated directly, through a consortium or cluster of groups, or via a umbrella organisation.