iGO eBooks®
Privacy Policy & General Data Protection Regulation Act - (GDPR) @ iGO eBooks®
Our Commitment To Privacy
Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. To ensure awareness we make it available on our menu and at every point where personally identifiable information may be requested.
The Information We Collect
This notice applies to all information collected or submitted on iGO eBooks® Website(s). On some pages, you can order products/ services/subscriptions, make requests, and register to receive materials.
The Way We Use Information
You may view the following web pages on our site for detailed information
Copyright & Intellectual Property iGO eBooks®
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Web Site User Conditions iGO eBooks®
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Privacy Policy & GDPR iGO eBooks®
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Accessibility of Web Site(s) iGO eBooks®
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Social Media Policy iGO eBooks®
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Our Commitment To Data Security
To prevent unauthorised access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.
How You Can Correct Your Information
You can correct factual errors in your personally identifiable information by sending us a request that credibly shows error.
To protect your privacy and security, we may also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making corrections.
How To Contact Us
Should you have other questions or concerns about these privacy policies, please send us an e-Mail at iGOeBooks@iCloud.com or use our contact us form by clicking on the link.
iGO eBooks® contact and any other forms include a CAPTCHA, which helps combat blank form submissions and spam. A CAPTCHA is a type of challenge-response test as an attempt to ensure that the response is generated by a person. A common type of CAPTCHA requires the user to type letters or digits from a distorted image that appears on the screen.
Our guiding privacy principles
Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation Act - (GDPR) underlies all of our personal information privacy practices. We also have a set of guiding principles which govern how we use the information that we collect about you on this website.
These principles are
We aim to continuously strive improve our website for you. We use information about (and from) you to help us to do this.
We give you control over the information that we hold about you, who is allowed to see it and how it is used.
We will not use your information for any other reason unless you specifically allow us to by consent; choosing to select the opt in boxes on our registration form; on our websites; or to us via e-Mail.
We take all reasonable care to safeguard your information through security policies & secure business processes + protocols.
Why we collect information about your business/organisation
To provide your business/organisation with online services whilst striving to maintain referential integrity. Each service has different information requirements. Therefore the information we need, and what it is needed for, can differ. For full details please refer to the terms and conditions for each service.
To enhance or improve your business's/organisation's experience on our website. When you indicate your preferences through our registration forms or through your use of our site, we will use this information to personalise the site to better meet your business's/organisation's needs.
To provide your business/organisation with information about voluntary sector fundraising governance organisational ePublishing issues, and services that we, or third parties have carefully selected, believe will be of interest to your business/organisation. Your business/organisation can change your mind or ask to be removed or at any time through e-Mailing us, or via feedback.
To keep your business/organisation information secure. To minimise the risk of unauthorised access to your information, we may use some of you and/or your business's/organisation's information to authenticate you when using the website.
How we collect information about you
We collect information from you in three ways
(1) Directly from you. Sometimes we will ask you for information about yourselves/yourself, for example in our subscription form or when you make a purchase of our material online.
(2) From third parties: We may ask for information about your Business/Organisation from third parties, for example when we get authorisation for a payment you make using a credit or debit card.
(3) From what your Business/Organisation do on our site. This can show us for example which web pages you use most and least, or which downloads are most made. We will use this information to personalise the site to better meet your Business's/Organisation's needs
Who sees your information?
The information we collect through our website will be used iGO eBooks®. Exactly who sees your information depends on the context in which you provided it and whether or not you have opted in on the registration form. You can change your mind about the opt-ins at any time through e-Mailing us or our feedback facilities.
Sometimes we will share your information with carefully selected third parties outside of iGO eBooks®. We may do this for the following reasons
To provide you with a service Some of our services are provided in conjunction with our business partners, and we will need to disclose your information to them to provide you with the services, e.g. exploring potential funders and discussing feasibility of funding your business./organisation with grant-aid bodies. We make it clear in the terms and conditions for each service whether information will be passed to third parties or not.
To provide you with information about special promotions or facilities available. If you have given your consent by choosing to opt in, we may share some of your information with carefully selected third parties so that they can provide you with information about products and services that may be of interest to your Business/Organisation.
To protect Gordon Owen @ iGO eBooks®, or others We may share your information with third parties when we believe it is necessary to comply with the law or protect our or another persons rights, property, or safety. This includes exchanging information with third parties to protect against fraud and reduce payment risks.
We will only deal with third parties that we trust to act in our client’s best interests and who treat our client’s information with the same stringent controls that we apply ourselves.
How long do we keep your information?
How long we keep your information collected through our website depends on the context in which you provided it and whether or not you have opted out on the subscription or payment forms, e-Mail, or feedback. Your Business/Organisation can change its mind about the opt-ins at any time through these facilities available on many of our web pages.
In particular
We will keep your information that is necessary for us to provide your Business/Organisation with a service you have requested or purchased through this website for as long as it takes us to provide that service, or of simply keeping you informed of updates and information relevant to voluntary sector, and associated business/organisations.
We will keep your contact details for as long as we have your Business's/Organisation's consent to send you marketing information and/or pass your contact details to third parties.
We will keep records of any transactions you enter into on this website for up to six years. This is so that we can respond to any complaints or disputes that arise in that period.
We will keep other information about you if it is necessary for us to do so to comply with the law.
Maintaining the information we hold for you
Please note, we can only delete information about your business/organisation that we do not need to hold for legal reasons.
You can request details of all the information iGO eBooks® holds about you, including on this website's,and from external sources by contacting us via e-Mail, contact us form on this website, or feedback, (if we hold any such data). We will send you an application form which you should complete and return, signed by two authorised officers of your business/organisation.
The charge for this service is £10 for each request. You can contact us by writing to iGO eBook®. Owen House, London. UK.
You can of course request at any time that we correct any information we hold about your business/organisation.
A note about opt-ins
You can allow us to provide you with information about products and services that we, or third parties we have carefully selected, believe will be of interest to you. We will only do this with your consent. You give us your consent by choosing to opt in on your registration form. You can change your mind and remove or add your consent at any time through the Edit your profile page, if, and where applicable.
Please note: Selecting to opt out on this website will not prevent your business/organisation from receiving information about specific services you have expressed an interest in.
When your business/organisation choose to opt in through this website, this opt in will only apply to the information stored about your business/organisation on this website's databases. If your business/organisation have provided information to a business/organisation or business related to iGO eBooks® through another channel, the use of that information will not be affected by the opt ins you select on this website.
There are some opt ins on this website that may be specific to individual services. These are independent of the registration opt out and currently cannot be changed through the 'Edit your Profile Page'. We are actively investigating the integration of these opt-ins for your business/organisations convenience.
Please also note that the opt ins on this website cover e-mails, text and picture messaging and all other forms of electronic communication.
Keeping your information secure
We know that your privacy is very important to your business/organisation and that you take the security of your information seriously.
We have implemented technology and security policies, rules and measures to protect the personal information we have under our control, both on and off-line, from improper access, use, alteration, destruction and loss.
Here are some of the ways we protect your information.
Access to our online services is protected by something called SSL 128 bit session encryption. Encryption is the process through which sensitive information is scrambled before it is transmitted so that it remains private even if it is intercepted. 128-bit encryption is the strongest encryption currently used commercially. However, unless your Internet browser supports 128-bit encryption you will not be able to take advantage of this level of security - (See the How you can help keep your information secure section below).
Off-line, your information is kept securely in our databases and location. We only allow entrusted sources to access to your information, and then only if they need it for a specific authorised task. The computers on which we store your information are kept in a secure environment.
We do not store payment card details from this website, except those collected through the PayPal service for the purpose of payments.
We will take all reasonable steps to protect your information, but data can never be guaranteed 100% secure. Please note that we will not be liable for any breach of security unless we have been negligent.
How you can help keep your information secure
As you would expect of us, we will take all reasonable measures to ensure that the information you provide through our website(s) is held and managed securely. However, there is a lot that you can do to help keep your information safe not just on our website, but whenever you provide information online.
Here are some ways you can improve the security of your information
Use a strong (alpha / numeric / character) password
Read our recommendation on choosing a strong password. This will help your business/organisation choose a password that will be difficult for other people to guess but easy for you to remember.
Padlock Key = Password(s) - (commonly the weakest and most vulnerable link) = Secure Password(s) (Upper/Lower Case – Alpha/Numeric/Character}. Never use the same (or similar) password(s) that you use in personal circumstances, e.g., social media – should be always entirely different so if personal password(s) are ever potentially hacked it will not compromise the password(s) used in an organisation.
Advanced Persistent Threats (APT’s) and custom-targeted attacks
It is strongly suggested that you do adopt procedures internally to try and accurately vet suspicious files and URL’s and monitor such environments to determine how they execute, the system changes they make and the network traffic they generate. Armed with this malware analysis, you can identify and reduce these threats from your network. Block malicious inbound and outbound network traffic, remediate changes made to your network and know that safeguards are in place for your network so as to strive to be free of a particular threat. There are software packages available to use as part of a integral component of the cybersecurity infrastructure which can serve as an essential tool in your enterprise cyber-defence.
Use a secure password hint
Do not make your password hint the same as your password! Your password hint should not give away your password to someone your business/organisation knows well, for example 'my road' or 'my partner's name'.
Keep your password private and secure.
Your password is a key to your personal information and online identity. Do not tell anyone your password or write it down. If you are concerned that somebody else knows your password, you can change it on our website by going to the Edit your profile page, where it may exist. We recommend that you change your password from time to time and consider using both alpha/numeric/capitals/characters and both upper + lower case characters.
Use a Secure Browser
Encryption is the process through which sensitive information is scrambled before it is transmitted so that it remains private even if it is intercepted. 128-bit encryption is the strongest encryption currently available, but not all browser versions support it.
Five popular browsers that support 128-bit encryption are
Firefox version 1.16 and later versions (v57.0.1 for Mac or later).
Safari (For Macs) version 11.0.2 and later versions.
Google Chrome version 63.0.3239.84 and later versions.
Opera version 11.61 and later versions.
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11.0 and later versions (Mac OS X or later).
Security upgrades for some older browser versions are available. We recommend that you contact your preferred browser provider, (or web administrator responsible for your server) for further information.
How we use cookies
A Cooke is a small text file that is saved to the hard drive of your computer when you use a website.
Our website uses both persistent and session cookies by default. Persistent cookies are cookies that stay on your computer permanently until you manually delete them. Session cookies delete themselves automatically when you leave a website and go to another one or shut down your browser.
The table below explains the cookies our website uses and what they do
Of these cookies only the Website Analytic cookie(s) can be deactivated through our website. For the other cookies you can change the preferences on your browser so that your computer does not accept cookies from our website or allow them to be updated. Alternatively you can make your browser give you an accept or reject option each time our website tries to create or update a cookie on your computer.
Please note
1. Neither of these options will remove cookies that have already been placed on your computer or prevent them from being read. To delete existing cookies you will need to search your hard drive for the relevant cookie files and delete them. But please note a deleted cookie will often be replaced the next time you visit the website that put it there.
2. If your browser is set up to reject application session cookies, some applications on our website will not work.
3. Because the Site cookie may contain or refer to some of your personal information we recommend you do not register for our website from a publicly available computer.
For more information about cookies, including how to change your browser settings and find and delete cookies on your hard drive.
We use AdSpeed to disseminate advertisements on iGO eBooks®. Cookies may be presented from AdSpeed to track the success of the campaign. You can find out more about AdSpeed cookies and privacy policy on their website.
Website Analytics.
The first time you visit our website a Website Analytic cookie will be saved on your computer. Some pages of our website have web beacons or tags coded into them, and when you visit those pages, register or enter into certain transactions, the Website Analytic cookie will record that you have done so. Over time the cookie will build up a history of the pages you visit and the applications you use on our website.
We use website meters and e-trackers' as Website Analytic tool(s). This information, together with similar information from other users, helps us learn things like what kinds of clients our website attracts, which of our services and web pages most interest our clients, and what kinds of information/material our client's like to view. This in turn helps us make our website more effective and useful.
The information in the Website Analytic tool(s) is/are anonymous. It is also meaningless to anyone but us. Although Double-Click logs the information for us, it is only allowed to process the information according to our instructions. Nobody sees the information except us.
In May 2011 a European Union law was passed stating that websites that leave non-essential cookies on visitors' devices have to alert the visitor and get acceptance from them. We have incorporated a Cookie Policy widget to our 'Home' & ‘Privacy Policy’ pages. This, in conjunction with updating our website's privacy policy, not only ensures we comply with the EU cookie law but benefits you as the welcomed user to select the ‘accept’ or otherwise of cookies, but also giving visitors the choice. This forms part of the iGO eBooks® overall philosophy of striving to enhance visitors experience to our website.
Optionally, if you would prefer us not to collect your information for website analytics you can opt-out by clicking here and let us know. You should not delete the Website Analytic cookie from your hard drive because doing so will cause a new, active Website Analytic cookie to be saved on your computer next time you visit our website.
Please note that the opt-out will only work for the computer and browser you are using when you opt-out. If you use more than one computer or browser you will have to opt-out from each of them.
Cookie When is it placed? What does it contain? When and why is it read?
Application cookie When you first visit our website.
It is a persistent cookie that is updated continuously during your first and subsequent visits.
All the applications used by your business/organisation while you are on the website(s) for example, iGO eBooks® downloads.
It does not contain any information identifying you.
We read the information each time you enter an application on our website(s). This allows us to personalise the applications for you by serving you with content you are likely to be interested in based on your previous use of our website(s).
Site cookie When you first visit our website(s).
It is a persistent cookie that is updated continuously during your first and subsequent visits.
Website Analytic cookie When you first visit our website(s).
It is a persistent cookie that is updated continuously during your first and subsequent visits. Information about your activities on our website. It does not contain any information identifying you. We read the information each time you visit our website so that we can perform website analytics.
Double-Click 'Spotlight' advertising cookie When you see one of our advertisements or text links on a third-party website.
Information about your business/organisations activities on our website. It does not contain any information identifying you.
Links to other sites
This website includes links to literally thousands of other sites to help your business/organisation and make the one-stop-shop service a truly helpful resource making it easier for you to navigate through the Internet. We make every effort to provide links to high quality, reputable sites but we are not responsible for their privacy practices or, site content, or the services they offer, nor if they do not work.
Telephone calls/Communications.
Communications in general are in writing, ostensibly via e-mail. This is essentially a online website service and therefore communications are requested by e-mail please. However, if you call our telephone number provided on some parts of our website(s), including Skype we may record your call. These recordings are used for training and quality control to ensure that we continuously monitor and improve our client service standards.
General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR
Our Commitment:
iGO eBooks® is committed to the protection of all personal and sensitive data for which it holds responsibility as the Data Controller and the handling of such data in line with the data protection principles and the General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR.
Changes to data protection legislation shall be monitored and implemented in order to remain compliant with all requirements.
iGO eBooks® is also committed to ensuring that is aware of data protection policies, legal requirements and adequate training is provided.
The requirements of this policy are mandatory for all at iGO eBooks® and any third party contracted to provide services.
Where known breaches of personal or sensitive data is affected it shall be notified immediately to the individual(s) concerned and the ICO as soon as practicably possible.
Personal and Sensitive Data:
All data within iGO eBooks® control shall be identified as personal, sensitive or both to ensure that it is handled in compliance with legal requirements and access to it does not breach the rights of the individuals to whom it relates.
The definitions of personal and sensitive data shall be as those published by the ICO for guidance
The principles of the General Data Protection Regulation shall be applied to all data processed:
1. Processed fairly and lawfully
2. Obtained only for lawful purposes, and is not further used in any manner incompatible with those original purposes
3. Accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date,
4. Adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which it is processed
5. Not kept for longer than is necessary for those purposes
6. Processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under the GDPR.
7. Protected by appropriate technical and organisational measures against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage
8. Not transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection of the personal information
Fair Processing / Privacy Notice:
We shall be transparent about the intended processing of data and communicate these intentions via notification to any appropriate person prior to the processing of individual’s data.
Notifications shall be in accordance with ICO guidance and, where relevant, be written in a form understandable.
The intention to share data relating to individuals to an organisation outside of iGO eBooks® shall be clearly defined within notifications and details of the basis for sharing given. Data will be shared with external parties in circumstances where it is a legal requirement to provide such information.
Any proposed change to the processing of individual’s data shall first be notified to them.
Data Security:
In order to assure the protection of all data being processed and inform decisions on processing activities, we shall undertake an assessment of the associated risks of proposed processing and equally the impact on an individual’s privacy in holding data related to them.
Risk and impact assessments shall be conducted in accordance with guidance given by the ICO in respect of 'security' and 'impact assessments'.
Security of data shall be achieved through the implementation of proportionate physical and technical measures. iGO eBooks® shall be responsible for the effectiveness of the controls implemented and reporting of their performance.
The security arrangements of any organisation with which data is shared shall also be considered and these organisations shall provide evidence of the competence in the security of shared data.
Data Access Requests (Subject Access Requests):
All individuals whose data is held by us, has a legal right to request access to such data or information about what is held. We shall respond to such requests within 40 days and they should be made in writing to iGO eBooks®.
A charge may be applied to process the request.
Personal information online small business checklist
Guide to freedom of information
Photographs and Video:
Images of individuals may be captured at appropriate times and as part of activities for use at iGO eBooks®.
Unless consent from individuals contained within has been given, iGO eBooks® shall not consciously utilise such images for publication or communication to external sources.
It is iGO eBooks® policy that external parties may not capture images of individuals during such activities without asking consent.
Data Disposal:
iGO eBooks® recognises that the secure disposal of redundant personal data is an integral element to compliance with legal requirements and an area of increased risk.
All data held in any form of media (paper, tape, electronic) shall only be passed to a disposal partner with demonstrable competence in providing secure disposal services.
All data shall be destroyed or eradicated to agreed levels national standards, with confirmation at recognisedcompletion of the disposal process. meeting
Disposal of IT assets holding data shall be in compliance with ICO guidance.
Copyright & Intellectual Property : © iGO eBooks® - All Rights Reserved.