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iGO eBooks®
Accessibility of Web Site(s) @ iGO eBooks®
Accessibility Statement
We are committed to providing a high level of accessibility and to consider internet security.
We have developed this and other web sites to widely recognised standards and implemented many with ease of use features aided below with hyperlinks to relevant helpful sources:
How to resize text: in Internet Explorer on the Mac/PC go to View on the top menu bar of the browser, scroll down and select Text Size, then select the required text size. For Firefox Opera and Apple Safari Chrome go to View in the top bar of the browser, then select Text Zoom, and choose the required text size, then browser.
For Safari go to View in the top bar of the choose Make text bigger or Make text smaller by clicking on the 'zoom-in' or 'zoom-out' 'A' function button found at the top left-hand side of the menu bar.
How to disable the style sheet: in Internet Explorer on the Mac/PC go to Tools on the top menu bar, Internet Options, then select the Accessibility tab. Click the top three boxes in the popup window. If you wish to attach your own style sheet, this can be done using the bottom half of this popup window.
For Internet Explorer on the Mac under the Explorer menu, select Preferences, Web Browser then Web Content.
In the Page Content area, clear the checkboxes next to the items to be enabled or disabled, including the style sheet.
For (Mac) under the Safari menu, select Preferences then advanced. Other style sheets can be attached here.
Hyperlinked text has been written to clearly describe the target links, and therefore should be understandable even when removed from context.
Both a subject heading drop down menu index list and search engine(s) have been provided, and lists and links all the pages on the website.
Skip links, which enable screen-reading software to bypass repetitive navigation links, have been implemented.
In general, web pages have been constructed in one, or two, or three-column layout. The left hand column always contains navigation menus; the middle column always contains the principal page content, and the right hand column (if used) contains information panels and links to other material. Visitors using certain screen-reading software should set that software to column detection mode.
The site(s) makes extensive use of Word PowerPoint Excel Movie, and PDF documents for press releases, technical documents and guides, plus other informative material + Adobe InDesign and ePub & iBooks formats for eBook publications.
To convert these to an accessible format please visit one of the following:
Microsoft Office (For Windows)
Microsoft Office (For Mac)
QuickTime (For Windows & Mac)
Adobe Acrobat (For Windows & Mac): Visit the Adobe Access website or the Adobe Simple PDF Conversion facility.
Links to .doc, .docx ppt, .pptx, .pps .xls, xlsx .mov .wmv, or .ram, .rm, .zip, qxp, & .pdf .iba, .indb documents and external web sites generally open in a new browser window (Keyboard function hold Control and 'N' simultaneously).
Access Keys
Access (keyboard shortcuts or function) keys have been implemented to access the main sections of this site which are broken down into silios. This is an alternative to using a mouse, or other pointing device and can be quicker than using a mouse.
How to use them if you use Internet Explorer
Press and hold the alt key
Press the required letter or number
Release the keys and press the 'enter' key
How to use them if you use Firefox
Press and hold the alt key
Press the required letter or number
How to use them if you use a Mac
Press and hold the control key
Press the required letter or number
Search Engines
Submitting your site to Search Engines. This basically alerts the search engines to your site's existence and puts it on a list of sites to be crawled; this of course, Yahoo, and Bing, Google is no guarantee of inclusion in the search engines index, but is quick to do and could speed the process along. You can submit your website manually. Here are links to submit your site to be crawled to the four major search engines: dmoz.
iGO eBooks® may make reference to or use (SaaS) Software as a Service software, e.g. Office 2016 / Office 365 / Salesforce / IBM (SPSS), Oracle, Symantec (Norton), Splunk>, distribution model in which applications are hosted by a vendor or service provider (including in the Cloud services, e.g. Microsoft / AWS), and made available to readers, subscribers, Indie Authors, other self/publishers, and stakeholders over a network, typically the Internet.
If you have any comments regarding the accessibility of our website please e-Mail us
Our website pages validate as HTML 4.01 > 5.0 transitional, according to W3C standards
Our website has been developed to Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) level A standards Google algorithm – Mobile-Friendly - Check your website.
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Liability Disclaimer
You further agree that the iGO eBooks® cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business/
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Connections from both this webpage and website come to you from the named sources via iGO eBooks® organisation’sorganisation as a result of the information presented on this webpage and website. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business/organisation if you intend to apply any of the presentation and information in any way to your organisation’s operations.
Any views or opinions presented are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of other parties, (if any), involved. iGO eBooks® accepts no liability or responsibility for any onward transmission or use of webpages and attachments/links having left our domain. Although steps have been taken to ensure that our website(s) and attachments are free from any virus, you are advised that in keeping with good computing practice the recipient should ensure they are actually virus free and should run current anti-virus software, update definitions, firewalls, patches, use encryptions where appropriate, and GDPR compliant.
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