iGO eBooks®
iGO eBooks® } Introduction
iGO eBooks™ – Publications } Subject Matters
Fundraising } eBook Titles :
Fundraising from Companies & Charitable Trusts/Foundation + Through the Internet  Introduction to Fundraising Presentation  Fundraising Presentation  Enabling Your Fundraising Strategy  Fundraising Exiting Strategy  Writing your Application | Fundraising  Fundraising On The Internet Presentation  Fundraising : A Christian Perspective  Commission-Based Fundraising | Pros & Cons - Why Not?  Guidance Notes and Standard Form of Agreement Between a Charity and a Consultant - [Messrs G Owen & Co]
Voluntary Sector | Governance } eBook Titles :
Volunteers Handbook  Equal Opportunities Policy In Employment & Service Delivery  Mission Statement – Example  ABC for Committees | Practice & Procedures | Officers | Elections  Confidentiality Policy | Example  Specimens Constitution for an Unincorporated Organisation having a Membership – (Seeking Charitable Status)  Memorandum & Articles of Association - Limited Company (Under Guarantee) – Model
Voluntary Sector | Organisational Material } eBook Titles :
CashBook - Excel Design Monthly Reconciliation Records  Code of Ethical OnLine Philanthropic Practices  Quality | Kite-Bench Mark for Voluntary Organisations'/Groups' + Links  iGO eBooks™ - Website(s) Policies, Procedures, & Practices  Handbook + Information + Contacts - Resource Data for Night Shelter Volunteers & Workers  Charities and Political Policy/Campaigning  Social Audit @ Messrs G Owen & Co  Social Enterprise Strategy Business Plan  iGO eBooks™ – Website.
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