iGO eBooks®
Recruitment Agencies | Voluntary Sector
The following are Recruitment sources available to help people in Voluntary Groups/Organisations. There are literally hundreds of Recruitment Agencies in the High Street and on the Internet many of which we have on our database. However the few below represent those Recruitment sources that specifically deal with the voluntary / public sectors, as distinct from those who deal with recruitment generally, or who specialise in particular discipline fields of the job market.
It is by no means definitive or exhaustive and is being periodically changed or updated. It is therefore intended as a guide.
Tel: 020 8642 4122
Fax: 020 8770 2090
Mid-Day Court, 30 Brighton Road, SUTTON, Surrey. SM2 5BN
Recruitment > Action Link Magazine.
Tel: 020 7240 2390
Fax: 020 7240 2389
25 Catherine Street, COVENT GARDEN, London. WC2B 5JS
Tel: 01727 375 361
Fax: 01726 834 052
Tel: 020 7953 1190
Fax: 020 7953 1191
Lloyds Court, 1 Goodman's Yard, LONDON. E1 8AT
Tel: 020 7378 5441
Fax: 020 7378 5410
5-13 Trinity Street, London. SE1 1DB
Tel: 02920 706 999
Tel No's: 020 7620 0062 & 020 7636 3900
Fax: 020 7633 0331
Fax: 020 7636 3331
First Floor, Station House, LONDON. SE1 8SB
38 Bedford Place, LONDON. WC1B 5JA
CharityJob Co UK
Popcorn Promotions Limited
Tel: 020 8390 1177
Fax: 020 8390 6110
CR Search and Selection
Tel: 020 7833 0770
Fax: 020 7833 0188
40 Rosebery Avenue. LONDON. EC1R 4RX
The Charity Recruitment Specialists - TPP
Global Fundraising Jobs Resource Alliance
Global Fundraising Jobs is a web-based recruitment initiative from the Resource Alliance, which is sponsored by CR Search and Selection (CRSS). Their aim is to put charities in touch with prospective candidates, wherever they are based in the world.
Whether you are looking for your next career move or would like to advertise a vacancy to an international audience, Global Fundraising Jobs will give you instant access to the global not-for-profit jobs market.
Career Site at Non-Profits Jobs
Guardian Fundraising.
GroundWork - Jobs & Volunteering
Tel: 020 8974 9990
Fax: 020 8974 6000
Web Site: http://www.harrishill.co.uk
Registration mailto:registration@harrishill.co.uk
Temporary Posts mailto:temps@harrishill.co.uk
37 Market Place, KINGSTON UPON THAMES, Surrey. KT1 1JQ
Jobs In Charities Co UK Limited
Tel: 0870 141 7029
Fax: 0870 141 7029
63A The Avenue, WRAYSBURY, Middlesex. TW19 5EY
Tel: 020 7813 0101
Fax: 020 7813 0500
45 Bloomsbury Square, LONDON. WC1A 2RA
Tel: 020 7556 1122
Third Age Employment Network - (TAEN)
119 Farringdon Road, LONDON. EC1R 3ER
Tel No's: 020 7940 4150 & 020 7940 4152
Fundraising Posts mailto:fundraising@tpp.co.uk
Office Support Posts mailto:officesupport@tpp.co.uk
156 Tooley Street, LONDON. SE1 2TZ
Wootton George Consulting Limited
Pool Cottage, Radmore Lane, Cotonwood, Gnosall, Stafford. ST20 0EG
Tel: 01785 663600
Fax: 01785 824770
Working Advice
Information mailto:info@workingtransitions.com
500 Pavilion Drive, Northampton Business Park, BRACKMILLS, Northampton. NN4 7YJ
Guardian Media Group Company
Tel: 0870 036 3636
12-18 Paul Street, LONDON. EC2A 4JH
Working For A Charity
Tel No's: 020 7911 0353 - 020 7833 8220
Fax No's: 020 7267 4426 - 020 7833 1820
44-46 Caversham Road, LONDON. NW5 2DS
The Peel Centre, PERCY CIRCUS, London. WC1X 9EY
Note Organisers of Training Programmes for Charities. Working For A Charity exists to promote the voluntary sector as a positive career option for those seeking paid employment and to promote the opportunities and benefits of becoming a volunteer to people who wish to do unpaid work.
Vacancies via Professional Fundraising
Charity Vacancies Search via Kingston Smith
The Recruitment & Employment Confederation
The National jobs, learning and careers site
© Copyright(s) to the above sites are the property of the respective name holders referred to.
NOTE: When contacting any of the above sources, please tell them where you obtain their details at our web site. Thank you!
Please spread the word about this (and our other web sites), to every Organisation/Group staff person you have ever talked to as well as to other Voluntary Sector/non-for-profit bodies that need help!
If you gain an interview following discovering the initial link on this web page please let us know for monitoring purposes.
CV's How To Help Employers See If You Have What They Are Looking For.
In today's tight labour market, the need for well-developed CV's are increasingly important. A good CV should allow employers and search firms to capture the essence of a candidate's career direction and credentials in 60 seconds or less. Good CV's also enable interviewers to formulate accurate questions for an interview based on the content of a CV.
This means CV's need to be well organised to effectively communicate a candidate's objective and credentials.
In order to understand what a well-developed CV includes and how to create one, here is an in-depth look at what makes a good CV and how candidates can best prepare their objectives and credentials.
A good CV is well organised and effectively communicates a candidate's goals and experiences. It will present information in a systematic order that can be immediately understood and followed. Good CV's are not cluttered with miscellaneous details or cramped with too much information. They are pleasing to the eye, easy to read and have a balanced amount of white space.
Good organisation enables an employer to easily pinpoint key information such as the candidate's objective and the role s/he wants to fulfill. In addition, the content of the CV shows how the candidate makes the case for being qualified to fill the position s/he is seeking.
Presenting a career objective can often be accomplished in a sentence or two. However, communicating a history of credentials and experiences is often not as straightforward.
To effectively communicate credentials and experiences, a good CV includes short statements that outline a candidate's record of professional accomplishment. Good CV's use concise and quantifiable information instead of static or lengthy statements. Brief statements that specifically identify what the candidate contributed (not what the entire organisation or department accomplished) are ideal.
Good CV's present a candidate's credentials in reverse chronological order, allowing search firms and employers to quickly identify a candidate's most recent experiences. A solid and complete timeline of experiences helps employers and search firms gain a full understanding of a candidate's background. This facilitates the employer's ability to develop meaningful interview questions regarding each position held.
Because they do not contain irrelevant filler material, the best CV's are concise and clear, generating an employers' enthusiasm.
Whether they are preparing a new CV or revising an outdated one, candidates should consider what position they are targeting and then make a case for their ability to perform that job superbly.
Conducting a self-evaluation prior to CV development or revision is helpful.
Some questions for that self-evaluation include Who are you professionally? How have your education, career and other interests prepared you for the position you seek? What have you accomplished? Is it quantifiable? Where and how have your resourcefulness, creativity and knowledge been valued and acknowledged? What do you want to accomplish now?
Then it is time to outline a CV. Be brutally honest; do not exaggerate, and account for all time periods without fabricating. Remember, will be verifying the information you provide.
Here are some points to consider
Unless you are just starting your career, you do not need to limit yourself to one page. Two or, if you have a long career history, three page CV's are appropriate for most senior staff members.
Present the name of your employer, position, titles, dates and accomplishments consistently in parallel format for each position listed.
Incorporate specific, action-oriented verbs as much as possible to describe functions: what you planned, how you managed, what strategies you formulated, etc.
If your credentials include consulting, self-employment or freelance experience, when possible, include the names or at least a generalised description of the organisations you served and describe the assignments completed.
If your experience includes promotions, be sure to show that chronology in your CV. (If you have changed jobs to follow a former boss, plan to mention that in your cover letter.)
Bullet functions and accomplishments without using lengthy sentences.
Quantify accomplishments when possible. (How much you raised, how many people you supervised etc.)
If you are hoping to make a career change into the voluntary sector, include the kinds of community service and volunteer leadership roles you have filled.
Delete anything unrelated to your objective.
Offering family and personal information is optional. If that kind of information is part of your reason for considering a relocation, refer to it in your covering letter/e-mail.
Regarding your educational background, offer your degrees and years of graduation. Include your majors only if relevant or if you think it will trigger an interesting discussion relevant to the position.
Unless you are a recent graduate, place your educational credentials at the end of your CV (not at the beginning).
Correct spelling and good grammar are a must. Typographical are sure fire signals that you do not prepare presentations carefully and they can be deadly for any position that requires written communication skills. Always have someone whose proofreading skills you can trust review the final draft of your CV and covering letter(s)/e-mail(s).
Print your CV on white or buff paper so that it will successfully fax and reproduce. Avoid unusual coloured paper.
If you are sending your CV as an e-mail attachment, include your name in the title of the document so that the recipient can easily locate it on his or her own computer.
A well-prepared covering letter or e-mail gives you an opportunity to tailor your story to the opportunity you are seeking. With a cover letter/e-mail, a candidate conveys why s/he is uniquely qualified for a specific position and why an organisation is of particular interest. It should not be a reprise of a CV.
Good CV's are well organised and effectively communicate a candidates objective and relevant credentials.
However, beyond describing career goals and articulating credentials, a good CV demonstrates candidates skills in making proposals and presentations. This gives insight to an employer in how a candidate might communicate on behalf of an organisation and in effect serves as a preliminary sample of ones writing skills.
Voluntary Sector Groups/Organisations are looking for people who will represent them well, who are comfortable with the professionals and business people who are frequently their leaders and high-level donors. The CV and covering letter are an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate these capabilities.
The Importance Of Using Keywords In Your CV
If you thought recruiting was just about people employing people, it may come as a surprise to know that a great deal of the process is actually handled by computers. When you submit your CV online to a job site or a recruiter's database, or when you e-mail a speculative CV to a company your CV will be entered into a computer database filled with other applicants' submissions.
When recruiters have a position vacant, they search for CV's on their database by using keywords. The computer search function then sifts through thousands of CV's to find those containing the keywords that are aligned with the skills and qualities of the position.
It is therefore extremely important that your CV clearly states all of your skills and abilities to maximise its potential for recognition by the computer search. You may even want to tailor keywords in your CV each time you submit it for a different role. When tailoring your keywords, be sure to include words relating to your skills, your experience, the industry and the specific role.
Skills Keywords Find out what skills are required of the particular role(s) you want, and include these in your CV. Job advertisements and industry careers websites are a good place to find the key skills relating to specific roles.
Depending on your voluntary sector cause and fundraising structure with a charity / organisation, your skills might include :-
Commitment to the cause of the charity/organisation;
ability to build and maintain relationships a crucial skill in all areas of fundraising;
creativity, imagination and an entrepreneurial attitude towards fundraising;
a proactive attitude, drive and enthusiasm to carry out projects to conclusion;
ability to influence others with excellent oral and written communication skills;
ability to work under pressure and to meet deadlines;
ability to meet financial targets;
good organisational and project management skills;
ability to motivate others and work as part of a team;
resilience, particularly when faced with setbacks;
sensitivity to the needs of volunteers and donors;
willingness to carry out a range of administrative tasks, as many charities need their staff to be multiskilled.
Please also see our associated e/iBook publications entitled
"Equal Opportunities Policy In Employment & Service Delivery" -and-
"Confidentiality Policy | Example"
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